
This blog is created as part of assignment for Pathophysiology of Haemopoietic & Lymphoid System (QPT20803)

Friday 2 December 2016

How do I know if I have G6PD deficiency?

Happy weekend everyone!

Today we are going to discuss about the diagnosis of G6PD deficiency. most of you might be wondering, how to perform the test? how much the test is cost? No worries, we are going to explain in more details about this below. Enjoy reading our article, guys.

The only way to tell if you have G6PD deficiency is by performing a simple blood test. Your doctor can diagnose G6PD deficiency by performing a simple blood test to check G6PD enzyme levels.

Other diagnostic tests that may be done include a complete blood count, serum hemoglobin test, and a reticulocyte count. All these tests measure the amount of red blood cells in the body. They can also help your doctor to diagnose hemolytic anemia

During your appointment, it’s important to tell your doctor about your diet and any medications you’re currently taking. These details can help your doctor with the diagnosis.

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